Testing device

Bend Tester

With our bend tester, you can now do the quality tests by yourself. This machine is the only transportable unit in the market (29kg including transport case) and is conform to neccassary safety requirements.

Compressed Air Testing Device

Our compressed air testing devices are perfect for leakage testing of your geomembrane welding and are available in 2 versions for different pressure areas. We suggest the standard version for thin geomembranes and the massive version for thick geomembranes (2mm and thicker).


With our flowmeter you easily check, whether you have enough compressed air for your extruder.

Pull Tester Accura-Dat

With our pull tester you can now do the quality tests by yourself. This machine impresses by enormous testing distance of 500mm and is used within its case.

Pull Tester Hand

With our pull tester you can do simple quality tests by yourself. This machine is made very simple and works without any electronics. Via hand crank the welded geomembrane is pulled apart.

Pull Tester Zug-OK

With our pull tester you can now do quality tests by yourself. This machine is made very simple and comes without menu or data record.

Spark tester

With our spark tester you can search your welding via high voltage test for leakages.

Testing Bell

With our testing bell you easily do a leakage test of your geomembrane welding.


With our thermometer you can check the set temperatures of your extruder. This allows you the exact setting of your extruder at changed conditions (e.g. at high changing of outer conditions, etc.).